
Zip Plow

Original price was: €50.00.Current price is: €40.00.

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Category: Product ID: 3274

Zip Plow – Efficient Furrow Opening & Closing Tool


Suitable for: Paperpots, plugs, seeds, bulbs, onion starts, and corms
Handle Compatibility: Compatible with standard 28 mm rake wooden handle (not included) – can be sourced locally
Finish: Zinc coating applied by galvanizing for corrosion resistance
Adjustable Handle Angle: Allows for an ergonomic working position and reduces strain
Functionality: Opens furrows, facilitates side-dressing fertilizer, and closes trenches effortlessly

The Zip Plow is a versatile and highly efficient tool for market gardeners and small-scale farms. Designed to create precise furrows, it simplifies planting for paperpots, plugs, seeds, bulbs, onion starts, and corms while also making side-dressing fertilizer quick and effortless. After transplanting, the Zip Plow seamlessly closes the trench, reducing manual labor and saving valuable time in the field.

With an adjustable handle angle, users can customize their working position for greater comfort and efficiency, while also avoiding the need to step on garden beds, helping preserve soil structure.

Built for adaptability, efficiency, and ease of use, the Zip Plow is an indispensable tool for intensive market gardening systems.


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